Carmina Burana Szeged Contemporary Dance Company



BALLETS presents
Szeged Contemporary Dance Company
Carmina Burana
Ole valmis tuntemaan se!
Yli 350 esitystä, 200 000 katsojaa ympäri maailmaa,
aplodit ympäri maailmaa!
”Powerful and epic!” ”a real blast, highly musicial, well paced, totally
magical and deeply ritualistic” ”ten-minute standing ovation by the
audience of Maison de la Danse” ...
Saamme käsityksen barbaarin muukalaisen rituaalisesta elämästä, joka yrittää
etsiä elantoa sivilisaation raunioilta ja taistella selviytymisestä, kohtaamalla
pelkonsa, taistelemaan kaikkea kohtalon heille tuomaa vastaan. Kohtalo tuo
joskus rakkautta ja iloa, joskus taas surua tai kuolemaa. Tyttö, jonka elämä oli
tarkoitettu lyhyeksi, voi tuntea hetken todellista onnellisuutta, kun rakkaus saa
hänet unohtamaan kaikki pahat asiat ja saa hänet uskomaan elämään, joka voi
olla erilaista, joka voi olla parempaa. Mutta kohtalo on epävakaa ja julma. Hän ei
välitä hetken kauneudesta.
Kokemalla pettymyksen, ilon ja pelon voimme oppia paljon itsestämme, omasta
kohtalostamme ja mahdollisuuksistamme – omasta ihmisyydestämme.
(koreografi Tamás Juronics).
Szeged Contemporary Dance Companyn suosituin esitys
CARMINA BURANA, Carl Orffin tunnetuin sävellys
Carl Orffin monumentaalinen, musiikillinen mestariteos herätettiin henkiin
vuonna 2000 palkitun Szeged Contemporary Dance Companyn näyttävänä
tanssiteatterisovituksena, joka vangitsee elävästi kuvitteellisen barbaariyhteisön
yhteiset pelot ja ilot. Se taistelee selviytymisensä ja ihmisyytensä puolesta
salaperäisten rituaalien kautta viimeiseen hengenvetoon asti.
Szeged Contemporary Dance Companyn historia
Tanssijat Tamás Juronics ja András Pataki Szeged perustivat Contemporary
Dance Companyn vuonna 1993, taustalla Szegedin baletti ja sen kuuluisa
koreografi Zoltán Imre.
Nykyaikaiset tanssitekniikat ja teatterin tavoitteet määrittävät yrityksen imagoa
ja korostavat ohjelmiston monipuolisuuden merkitystä. Szeged Contemporary
Dance Companysta on tullut Unkarin johtava nykytanssin ryhmä, ja se on
saavuttanut mainetta ja arvostusta maailmanlaajuisesti. Ryhmän ainutlaatuinen
tyyli koostuu sekoituksesta akrobatiaa, modernin tanssin liikkeitä,
teatterielementtejä ja voimakkaita visioita, jotka esitetään sekä teknisesti että
taiteellisesti korkeatasoisesti.
Szeged Dance Companyn menestys on alkanut 1990-luvulla, ja se jatkuu
horjumattomana tähän päivään asti. Näytöksille ovat tyypillisiä tanssijoiden
taidokkaat liikkeet, esityksen dramaattinen voima ja filosofinen syvyys,
teatterivaikutelmien herkkä käyttö sekä aiheiden täyteläisyys ja väkevä ilmaisu.
Tamás Juronics
Tanssija, Koreografi, Ohjaaja
Tamás Juronics syntyi Tatassa, Unkarissa vuonna 1969. Valmistuttuaan Unkarin
tanssitaiteen korkeakoulun kansantanssin tiedekunnasta hän otti vastaan ​​Zoltán
Imren kutsun Szegedin balettiin. Hän tanssi päärooleissa merkittävissä teoksissa.
Tärkein oli unkarilaisen muusikon Béla Bartókin teos Ihmeellinen mandariini,
jonka Juronics oli tehnyt koreografian. Hän aloitti omien koreografioidensa
esittelyn vuonna 1991, ja hänestä tuli Szeged Contemporary Dance Companyn
taiteellinen johtaja vuonna 1993. Hän oli ensimmäisiä, jotka käyttivät
koreografioissaan nykytanssin elementtejä ammattitaitoisten tanssijoiden
esittäminä. Juronicsista on kasvanut kansainvälisesti arvostettu mestari, joka on
luonut yli 70 koreografiaa, kuten "The Rite of Spring", "Daphnis and Chloé",
"Stabat Mater", "The Nutcracker", "The Wooden Prince", "Unisono-
IX"."Symphony","The Sleeping Beauty","Swan’s Lake", Carmen, Carmina Burana
ja monet muut. Tarinalinjojen huolellinen yhdistäminen, selkeä, yhtenäinen
muodon käyttö ja dramaattinen rakenne tekevät hänen teoksistaan ​​inspiroivia.
Näyttävä lavastus, valaistus, efektit ja musiikki ovat myös olennaisia ​​osia hänen
teoksissaan. Juronics on saanut useita kansainvälisiä palkintoja, kuten « Best
creator" Niveau -palkinto, "Paras esiintyjä" kansainvälinen nykykoreografikilpailu
ja Unkarin korkein valtionpalkinto, "Kossuth-prize". Juronics aloitti
menestyksekkäästi uransa proosaohjaajana ja hänestä on tullut suosittu
koreografi ja musikaalien ja oopperoiden ohjaaja monissa teattereissa. Hän on
ohjannut myös Hoffmannin tarinat, Rigoletto, West Side Story, La Traviatan ja
monet muut.



Bravo! Coreografer Tamás Juronics created a „Carmina Burana” that is highly musicial, well paced, totally magical and deeply ritualistic. The duets were erotic without being clichés the men’s drinking dance humorous and well connected to the next scene and all the scenes seemed to be there out of necessity of completing the telling of the story. The piece was over before the public would have wanted to go home. That is the sign of good theatre and dancing performance.”

/Vital, Strong and Inspired – by Grant McDaniel (In: 12 July, 2002/

Overwhelming Success of Hungarians in Lyon


’Tuesday night premiere of Carmina Burana by Szeged Contemporary Dance Company was a real blast in Maison de la Danse of Lyon full of people. The choreography by Tamás Juronics, which was in perfect harmony with Carl Orff’s profane cantata, and the outstanding performance of the dancers were celebrated with a ten-minute standing ovation by the audience of Maison de la Danse that has 1200 seats. According to Guy Darmet, director of Maison de la Danse of Lyon. The perfect professionalism, special devotion, dynamism, the acrobatic elements of the scenes, the simple but spectacular setting and the lighting were all outstanding…’

/ IX. Symphony - 2010 /


’Szeged Contemporary Dance Company received standing ovation from the audience in Košice. The performance was organised within the framework of an international series of events, called the European Capital of Culture 2013. The event was so popular amongst the audience that the National Theatre in Košice was fully booked many weeks ahead. Organisers had to place projectors in the street in order to provide all viewers the chance to watch the performance directed by Tamás Juronics, Kossuth Prize-Winning choreographer.

/ Standing Ovation in the European Capital of Culture – 7 September, 2013/


’ Szeged Contemporary Dance Company’s performance met with enormous success in the opera-house in Cairo last Thursday debuted in front of a prestigeous audience such as the capital’s diplomatic crops. Before the performance Hungary’s ambassador Péter Kveck has made a speech. As Hungary is the next in the line to lead the European Union he was outlining the significance of cultural exchange programmes. The most important link to building relationships beyond Europe’s borders can not be other than culture.




Powerful and epic! This version of Carmina Burana is performed by the Hungarian Szeged Contemporary Dance Company. It was choreographed by Tamas Juronics who is both an artist director and a resident choreographer to the company. The music was composed by Carl Orff in 1935 – 1936. Being true to Juronics’s style, this opening section of the ballet shows a highly theatrical presentation with amazing sets, ragged costumes that fly from above the dancers even down to the grass on the stage. The movement is intense, stark and strong with detail that accentuates different qualities and rhythms in the music. /Posted by authoraa on May 17, 2013/


BALLETS presents


Szeged Contemporary Dance Company




Be ready to feel it !


More than 350 performances, 200.000 viewers worldwide, standing ovation all over the world!


”Powerful and epic!”  ”a real blast, highly musicial, well paced, totally magical and deeply ritualistic”  ”ten-minute standing ovation by the audience of Maison de la Danse” ...


We get an insight to the ritualistic life of a humanoid barbarian settlement trying to eke out a living on the ruins of a civilisation and fighting for survival, facing their fears, Turing to battle through all things fate brings on to them. Fate sometimes brings love, joy, and sometimes brings sadness or death. A girl whose life was meant to be short can feel true happiness for a moment, when love makes her forget all the bad things, and makes her believe in a life that can be different, that can be better. But Fortune is fickle and cruel. She doesn’t care about the beauty of the moment.

By experiencing disappointment, joy and fear we can learn a lot about ourselves, our own fate and chances – about our own humanity.
(coreographer Tamás Juronics)         

Szeged Contemporary Dance Company’s most popular show for Carl Orff’s well-known music, CARMINA BURANA

Carl Orff’s monumental musical masterpiece was brought to life in 2000 as a spectacular dance theatre adaptation of award-winning Szeged Contemporary Dance Company, which vividly captures the common fears and joys of an imaginary barbarian community as it keeps fighting for its own survival and humanity through mysterious rituals until it’s very last breath.



History of Szeged Contemporary Dance Company


Szeged Contemporary Dance Company was established in 1993 by dancers Tamás Juronics and András Pataki following the inheritance of it’s previous Szeged Ballet and it’s famous coreographer Zoltán Imre.

Modern dance techniques and theatrical ambitions determine the company’s image as well as emphasizing the importance of the repertoire’s variety. By now the Szeged Contemporary Dance Company has become not only Hungary’s leading contemporary dance company but also gained reputation and appreciation worldwide. It’s unique style consists of the mixture of acrobatic, modern dance movements, theatrical elements and powerful visions performed in the highest technical and artistic quality.

The company’s run of luck has started in the 90s and remains unwavering until nowadays. Their plays are typified by the dancers elaborated movements such as the dramatic power and philosiphical depth of the performances, the delicate usage of theatrical impressions as well as the variety and enrichment of the topics.



Tamás Juronics

Dancer, Choreographer, Director


Tamás Juronics was born in Tata, Hungary in 1969. After graduating from the Folk Dance Faculty of the Hungarian Dance Art College, he accepted the invitation of Zoltán Imre to join the Szeged Ballet. He danced main roles in significant pieces among those the most important was the famos hungarian musician Béla Bartók’s ’The Miraculous Mandarin’, also coreographed by Juronics. He started introducing his own choreographies 1991, and has become the artistic leader of the Szeged Contemporary Dance Company from 1993. He was among the first ones to use contemporary dance elements in his choreographies that were performed by professional dancers with great technical skills. By this time Juronics has grown to be an internationally acclaimed master who created more than 70 choreographies such as ’The Rite of Spring’, ’Daphnis and Chloé’, ’Stabat Mater’, ’The Nutcracker’, ’The Wooden Prince’, ’Unisono-IX. Symphony’, ’The Sleeping Beauty’, ’Swan’s Lake’, ’Carmen’, ’Carmina Burana’ and many others. The careful combination of his story lines, the clear, unified form usage, and the dramatic structure make his works inspiring. Spectacular staging, lighting, effects and music are also important integral parts of his works. He has been praised by many outrageous awards even abroad like ’Best creator’ Niveau Prize, ’Best performer’ International Contemporary Choreographer Competition and the highest state prize in Hungary, the ’Kossuth-prize’. Juronics successfully started his career as a prose director and also has become a popular choreographer, director of several musicals and operas in many theatres. He directed ’Hoffmann’s Tales’, ’Rigoletto’, ’The West Side Story’, ’Traviata’ and many others as well.





Bravo! Coreografer Tamás Juronics created a „Carmina Burana” that is highly musicial, well paced, totally magical and deeply ritualistic. The duets were erotic without being clichés the men’s drinking dance humorous and well connected to the next scene and all the scenes seemed to be there out of necessity of completing the telling of the story. The piece was over before the public would have wanted to go home. That is the sign of good theatre and dancing performance.”

/Vital, Strong and Inspired – by Grant McDaniel (In: 12 July, 2002/

Overwhelming Success of Hungarians in Lyon


’Tuesday night premiere of Carmina Burana by Szeged Contemporary Dance Company was a real blast in Maison de la Danse of Lyon full of people. The choreography by Tamás Juronics, which was in perfect harmony with Carl Orff’s profane cantata, and the outstanding performance of the dancers were celebrated with a ten-minute standing ovation by the audience of Maison de la Danse that has 1200 seats. According to Guy Darmet, director of Maison de la Danse of Lyon. The perfect professionalism, special devotion, dynamism, the acrobatic elements of the scenes, the simple but spectacular setting and the lighting were all outstanding…’

/ IX. Symphony - 2010 /


’Szeged Contemporary Dance Company received standing ovation from the audience in Košice. The performance was organised within the framework of an international series of events, called the European Capital of Culture 2013. The event was so popular amongst the audience that the National Theatre in Košice was fully booked many weeks ahead. Organisers had to place projectors in the street in order to provide all viewers the chance to watch the performance directed by Tamás Juronics, Kossuth Prize-Winning choreographer.

/ Standing Ovation in the European Capital of Culture – 7 September, 2013/


’ Szeged Contemporary Dance Company’s performance met with enormous success in the opera-house in Cairo last Thursday debuted in front of a prestigeous audience such as the capital’s diplomatic crops. Before the performance Hungary’s ambassador Péter Kveck has made a speech. As Hungary is the next in the line to lead the European Union he was outlining the significance of cultural exchange programmes. The most important link to building relationships beyond Europe’s borders can not be other than culture.




Powerful and epic! This version of Carmina Burana is performed by the Hungarian Szeged Contemporary Dance Company. It was choreographed by Tamas Juronics who is both an artist director and a resident choreographer to the company. The music was composed by Carl Orff in 1935 – 1936. Being true to Juronics’s style, this opening section of the ballet shows a highly theatrical presentation with amazing sets, ragged costumes that fly from above the dancers even down to the grass on the stage. The movement is intense, stark and strong with detail that accentuates different qualities and rhythms in the music. /Posted by authoraa on May 17, 2013/