Casse Noisette - Palais 12, BXL The Moscow City Ballet



Le chef-d’œuvre de la danse classique dansé par une des plus belles compagnies de tradition.
CASSE-NOISETTE fait partie de ces œuvres magiques dont chacun a entendu parler mais que peu ont eu l’occasion de voir un jour sur scène. L’un des joyaux du répertoire classique, CASSE-NOISETTE, est l’un des ballets les plus dansés à travers le monde.

Conte de Noël né de l’imagination d’Hoffmann et revisité par Alexandre Dumas, c’est le chorégraphe Marius Petipa qui décide d’en faire un ballet féerique, mêlant fantastique et réalité, sur la musique enthousiasmante de Tchaïkowski. Le ballet est présenté pour la première fois au public le 17 décembre 1892 au Théâtre Marynski à Saint-Petersbourg.

Pour rappel, l’action commence à la veille de Noël. Une petite fille, Clara, reçoit en cadeau un casse-noisettes que les autres enfants ne tardent pas à casser. La nuit, Clara se réveille et est guidée par le casse-noisettes dans un monde étrange et féérique…
Un pur moment de bonheur et joie idéal en cette période de fin d’année !

Le Moscow City Ballet a vu passer les plus grands maîtres de ballet ainsi que les plus célèbres étoiles des Ballets Russes.
Un must !


A masterpiece in the classical style brought to you by one of the most beautiful classical dance companies.
NUTCRACKER is one of those magical stories everybody knows but never gets to see performed on stage. A jewel of classical repertoires, NUTCRACKER is one of the most performed ballets in the world.

Originally a Christmas tale, based on the fantasy of Hoffmann, revisited by Alexander Dumas, it was the choreography of Marius Petipa who decided to create a fairy-like ballet, in which reality and fantasy are mixed, danced to the delightful music of Tchaïkovsky.

This ballet had is public première on 17 December 1892 at the Marynski Theatre in Saint-Petersburg.

To remind you; the story begins on Christmas eve. A little girl, Clara, receives a present of a nutcracker, which is destroyed by the other children. That night Clara awakes, entering a strange and fairly-like world, guided by her nutcracker …
These moments, full of joy and happiness, are most appropriate for this time of year.

The Moscow City Ballet has a vintage history of the greatest ballet masters and most famous Russian dancers.
A must date for you diary!


In 1988, The Russian Choreographer and former soloist of the Bolshoi Ballet, Victor Smirnov-Golovanov, founded Moscow City Ballet with the aim to promote the original ideas of the great 19th century choreographers. The Company's success, both at home and abroad, makes it one of Russia’s most extensively touring ballet companies.

Considering classical ballet to be an important part of the national heritage of Russia, Victor Smirnov-Golovanov aims to bring it to as wide a public as possible, especially the new generation of ballet-going youngsters.

Moscow City Ballet is renowned for the perfection of its corps de ballet in the best traditions of the Russian school of classical ballet. This is ensured by the unceasing efforts, both in production and rehearsal, of Victor Smirnov-Golovanov and his wife, Ludmila Nerubashenko.

Smirnov-Golovanov’s own productions, as well as older versions of the classical ballets, all share a clearly defined style, ideas and choreographic integrity, setting high performance standards.

The Company of more than 50 dancers is drawn from graduates of all the finest choreographic academies and school in Russia and Ukraine, including Moscow, St. Petersburg, Perm, Kiev, Novosibirsk, Alma-Ata, Baku, Erevan, Donetsk, Kharkov and Ufa, as well as inviting soloists from abroad as guest artists.